The symptoms of a baby’s first teeth are variable and can range from mild discomfort to a little more. Learn to recognize them and find out when to see your pediatrician.

In general, for most adults, the eruption of a baby’s first teeth is a cause for celebration; however, sometimes the symptoms and manifestations with which it is accompanied are a source of discomfort.

The first teeth that “sprout” as they say are the so-called lower incisors; then later the superiors appear. Subsequently, the molars come out and finally although not necessarily sothe canines.

The teeth allow the baby to begin the chewing process and it is the incisors that play the greatest role. There are some myths about teething that it is good to clarify to be informed and avoid surprises. 

Do baby’s first teeth cause a fever?

Parents repeatedly consult about this issue and there does not seem to be a strict relationship between the appearance of the first teeth in the baby and fever. Therefore, when the latter occurs, it is good to consult without waiting time to do it think that the teeth are what causes it.

Other symptoms and manifestations of the baby’s first teeth

There may be other symptoms related to the appearance of the baby’s first teeth, such as increased saliva production. Although it is a natural mechanism that collaborates with the teething process and favors the subsequent swallowing of food, its presence manifests itself in the form of frequent drooling.

It is not uncommon for an increase in saliva production to appear at 2 months due to a normal developmental process, and although it is not considered a symptom of the appearance of the baby’s first teeth, parents and family often think so.

At the same time, the skin can become irritated due to this constant drooli

ng; However, as sometimes the dental outbreak coincides with the introduction of complementary feeding, in this case these skin manifestations may be more related to the incorporation of foods that can sometimes be irritating.

Pain in the gums and the desire to “bite”

It is possible that the dental eruption generates certain discomfort and even pain; It is recommended to massage the gum with a clean finger, very gently, without adding any additional cream or product.

As with other pain, subjectivity prevails. And, in the case of babies, it is necessary to be alert to identify those gestural manifestations that make us think that a baby is uncomfortable.

Some curious facts

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics, AEPED, highlights that:

“The formation of teeth begins before the baby is born, from the 5th – 6th week of pregnancy. First the temporary or “milk” teeth are formed, and shortly before delivery the definitive ones begin to develop”.

It is necessary, even if they are not yet seen, to start thinking about the protection of the baby’s teeth; It is always good to be able to consult with the professional in charge of your son or daughter’s health care.

That is why the recommendations of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics based on an Intensive Course “Pediatric Dentistry-Stomatology”, held at the headquarters of that Argentine Society of Pediatrics, 2008, consist of carrying out a “First specialized consultation 6 months, after of the eruption of the first tooth where risk situations were identified: education in nutrition, hygiene and fluorides”.


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